Bedford County Memories
This is a page in which you, the visitors, may share your reminisces, recollections and memories about your family growing up and living in Bedford County. Please feel welcome to share short stories and photos of your family's role in the history of Bedford County to be added to this page.
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Submitted by William Roy Mock
Benjamin Harris Walker is my great-great grandfather. He was the son of Sarah (Harris) and Abner Walker, Sr., that came from York County to Bedford County around 1827, and lived in St. Clair Township, which was organized in 1794. The township was further divided into East and West St. Clair in 1875. He was born in 1808 and died in 1896. He married Mary Allison who was born in 1810, and died in 1872.
He was a distinguished Quaker and was considered a prominent leader in the "Society of Friends" in and around the Fishertown and Pleasantville area of Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
In the 1884 History of Bedford, Somerset, and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania. (page 293):
"Mr. Walker was a strong anti-slavery man in the days when the word abolitionist was a term of reproach. Preceding the war he was an indefatigable worker in behalf of the slaves and was one of the leading operators of the underground railway. For many years a standing reward of five hundred dollars was offered for the apprehension of Mr. Walker, and his life was often in danger."
Most people might consider Quakers to be total "pacifists." Apparently, with the guidance of the "inner light," the principle of freedom was considered a high priority. In addition, to being a well-known operator throughout Bedford County, with the Underground Railroad, I found it extremely interesting that during America's Civil War, that six of his sons served in the Union Army. I am extremely proud of our Walker family's military history.
Thomas G. Walker 91st PVI, Co. I
Benjamin H. Walker 84th PVI, Co. A
Morris Walker 84th PVI, Co. A
William A. Walker 21st Calvary, Co. E
Asahel Walker 84th PVI, Co. A
Isaac Walker 205th PVI, Co. C
Submitted by William Roy Mock
William Roy Mock of Bedford County, PA; Color Sergeant, marches with the Color Guard, the "Gettysburg Blues;" leading the annual 2008 Remembrance Day Parade through Gettysburg, PA.
Beisel, George M. 55th PVI, Co. K
Beisel, Isaac A. 198th PVI
Beisel, John 82nd. PVI, Co. B
Beisel, Nathan H. 151st PVI, Co. D
Beisel, Peter 153rd. PVI, Co. D
Beisel, Reuben 160th PVI, Co. A
Beissel Franklin 98th PVI
Beissel, Fred V. 63rd. PVI, Co.
Beissel, Tilghman 176th PVI, Co. B
Hammer, Hezekiah 55th PVI, Co. K
Hammer, John B. 138th PVI, Co. D
Harbaugh, Amos 171st PVI, Co. I
Harbaugh, Andrew 63rd OVI, Co. I
Harbaugh, Edward 54th PVI, Co. E
Harbaugh, Eli 55th PVI, Co. K
Harbaugh, Emanuel 138th PVI, Co. D
Harbaugh, George 55th PVI, Co. H
Harbaugh, Jason 84th PVI, Co. A
Harbaugh, John 205th PVI, Co. C
Harbaugh, Joseph 21st PVI, Co. F
Harbaugh, Joseph 75th PVI, Co. I
Harbaugh, Robert 55th PVI, Co. K
Harbaugh, William 84th PVI, Co. A
Harbaugh, Wilson 55th PVI, Co. K
Knipple, Fred . 13th PA Cal., Co. G
Knipple, G. W. 13th PA Cal., Co. G
Knipple, William H. 101st PVI, Co. G
Mock, Aaron 138th PVI, Co. D
Mock, Andrew 55th PVI, Co. K
Mock, Emanuel 55th PVI, Co. K
Mock, Josiah B. 55th PVI, Co. K
Mock, Malachi B. 55th PVI, Co. K
Mock, Samuel A. 91st. PVI, Co. I
Mock, Tobias B. 55th PVI, Co. K
Mock, William 91st. PVI, Co. I
Mock, William A. 55th PVI, Co. K
Walker, Asahel 84th PVI, Co. A
Walker, Benjamin H. 84th PVI, Co. A
Walker, Isaac 205th PVI, Co. C
Walker, Morris 84th PVI, Co. A
Walker, Thomas G. 91st PVI, Co. I
Walker, William A. 21st Cal., Co. E
Submitted by William Roy Mock
Terry Russell Fisher
Based on the consensus of the earlier members; Army veteran, Terry Fisher is considered to be the founder of a group of veterans that was to later become known as the Bedford County Vietnam Veterans Association. They emphatically emphasized that he was the driving force of the group and was responsible for the organization that came about.
The Bedford County Vietnam Veterans Association is a county wide organization, operating independently of other entities. The membership is held together by a common bond between the various branches of the United States Armed Forces; honorably developed through individual "in-country experiences," and solidified with the Vietnam Service Medal. It is impossible to know how many Vietnam Veterans there are in Bedford County at any given time. However, at present, there are over one-hundred members in our Association.
Bedford County Vietnam Veterans Association
Throughout the years of the Vietnam War, many misconceptions and misunderstandings appeared to cause turmoil and unrest within the country. Countless opinions, based upon individual perspective seemed to flourish beyond imagination. This placed tremendous stress and hardships on those who served in the military, including their family and friends. This confusion continued to expand throughout the general public; especially with those who did not serve, neither have any kin relationships, nor knowledge and understanding of those who did.
This author and veteran remembers seeing and hearing the so-called "draft-dodgers and flag burners" being televised on the nightly news, with a number of them deciding to leave the country, so that they wouldn't have to serve. It was an era in which it was considered by some to be acceptable to burn their draft cards in public. These type of actions were and continues to be viewed by many individuals, as an unforgivable and downright disgusting insult toward patriotic Americans' and loyalty to our exceptionally great country.
However, throughout the history of Bedford County, PA, the residents have always placed a high value on their veterans; both those fallen and living, as well as, continually supporting the active members of the military. We have been blessed to live among people who appear to have a much better understanding of where their freedom comes from; as contrasted to other portions of the country.
The members of the Bedford County Vietnam Veterans Association take great pride in their local memorial. It is an historic tribute; originating as a brain child of the members of the Bedford County Vietnam Veterans Association, conceived with love and loyalty, as a show of remembrance. It is considered by many to offer a spiritual connection; not only to each other, but especially to our comrades who we lost; including those who returned, and later died, of both seen and unseen wounds resulting from our tour of duty in Vietnam.
To date, Bedford County officially has twenty-one military brothers' names on "The Wall," which were lost in Vietnam. Listed are: Darrell Zane Magruder, Harold Phillip Grasser, Donald Clair Wyles, Jack Walter Rice, Charles E. Sivits, Robert Willard Hartsock, Irvin Grant Weyandt, Charles Owen Snyder, Rodney Allen Price, Terry Lee Lesh, Harold Smith, Andrew William Rice Jr., Harry Sherman Stayer, David Leon Barber, Victor Elden Kidd, Frank Kenneth Bush, Clair F. Ritchey Jr., Roger Guy Holler, Charles Graffious Warsing, Byron Joseph Mitchell, Joseph Millard Stine. These names, along with additional information, may be found on the back side of the local memorial located in Veterans Grove, across from the Bedford County Courthouse.
The words of this historian cannot express the pride and honor that I have experienced; being a member of the "Association" and being in the presence of such great American heroes.