Any and all donations, no matter the amount, are greatly appreciated.
All donations will be acknowledged publicly, unless you inform us that you wish to remain anonymous.
List of Patrons
B C Stone ~ Donation of the granite plates used in the construction of the Anniversary Flame.
Deborah K. Bishop ~ Monetary donation toward Sestercentennial Banquet.
J. Edward Blackburn Funeral Home ~ Donation of Time Capsule.
Cody Buterbaugh and the Bedford Middle School Industrial Arts Classes ~ Construction of the Anniversary Flame.
Buterbaugh Kitchen Center ~ Donation of the wood used in the construction of the Anniversary Flame.
Brad Criswell ~ Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book.
Michele Dibert ~ Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book.
William F. Fine ~ Monetary donation toward Sestercentennial Banquet.
Greenawalt's Nursery & Landscaping ~ Donation of transport and planting of Anniversary Memorial Tree.
Laura Jackson ~ Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book.
Travis Leap ~ Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book.
William Roy Mock ~ Donation of light unit for Anniversary Flame in memory of his wife Mary Alice (Hall) Mock. Also Donation for Lapel Pins on behalf of Silent Splendor Farm.
Jeffrey L. Rinscheid ~ Monetary donation toward Sestercentennial Banquet.
Joan Robertson ~ Monetary donation.
Carol Scott ~ Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book.
Karin Sedewar ~ Monetary donation.
Larry D. Smith ~ Donation of Wooden Nickels. Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book. Donation of Time Capsule. Donation of Lapel Pins. Also Monetary donation toward Sestercentennial Banquet.
Debra Topinka ~ Donation of photographs for use in the Souvenir Book.
Robert S. Way ~ Donation of the Anniversary Memorial Tree in memory of his wife Alyce Way. Also Monetary Donation toward Sestercentennial Banquet.
A GoFundMe campaign has been started. You can access it at the url address: 
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