Bedford County's Role In The Wars

The Korean War    1950~1954

  North Korea invaded South Korea in June 1950. The United States, under President Harry S. Truman, objected to the invasion. The United States of America had a say in the matter because in 1945 Korea, a Japanese puppet state (i.e. supposedly independent but actually controlled by another), had been divided by Soviet and American occupation forces. The 38th parallel was chosen as the dividing line. A Communist government was established in the north and the United States helped to establish an anti-Communist government in the south. On 25 June 1950, troops from North Korea invaded South Korea.

  The imminent defeat of the South Korean army was reported to the United Nations which voted to condemn North Korea's aggression. President Truman announced full American support for the U. N. condemnation, but the United States never formally declared war. It is also worth noting that the United States' involvement never ended; troops from the U.S. have maintained troops at the border. A DMZ, or demilitarized zone has existed along either side of the boundary line. For those reasons, the confrontation was usually called the Korean Conflict.

  Bedford County residents who served during the Korean War included: James R. Adams, Ralph S. Ake, Barbara Ahlburn, Elmer R. Allison Jr., Homer R. Allison, Ned J. Allison, Calvin E. Amick, George Thomas Arnold, James H. Arnold, William Arthur Arnold, Kenneth C. Aurandt, Edward P. Ayers, George Robert Bailey, Chester L. Bair, Delbert Clair Baker, John J. Bankes, Leonard Barefoot, Arlan Dwight Barkman, Espy Alvie Barnes, Granville Sherman Barnes, Richard Barnes, Granville Sherman Barns, Philip B. Bartola, Donald E. Batzel, Rex V. Baughman, Troy W. Beal, C. Derl Beck, Grover C. Beck Jr., W. Ned Beckley, Benjamin J. Berkey, Robert F. Bertram, Richard Martin Bingman, Eugene E. Bohn, David R. Boore, Jack E. Bower, Ronald A. Bowman, Charles Bowser Jr., Lemuel Bowser, Robert Earl Bowser, ----- Boyer, James F. Brant, John W. Bridaham, Clyde Russell Brode, John Kenwood Browell, Chester L. Brown, Donald E. Brumbaugh, Thomas C. Burns, Dick H. Calhoun, Jack M. Calhoun, George Carbaugh, Dale C. Cessna, James V. Cessna, Lloyd Elwood Christner Jr., Melvin T. Claar Jr., Dale Clabaugh, John W. Clapper, Daryl R. Clark, Dorald E. Clark, Eldridge Clark, Guy O. Clark, Harry Dean Clark, Richard J. Clark, Robert A. Clark, Ronald Boyle Clark, Thomas E. Clark, Dale T. Claybaugh, Owen L. Claycomb, Orlo R. Claycomb, Vernon E. Claycomb, Kenneth W. Clouse, Donald J. Conover, George S. Conover, David H. Cook, Dewayne Corle, Eugene Albert Corle, Larry B. Corle, Devon Ray Coughenour, James Cox, Lester Cox, Thomas Cox, Clair Eugene Crawford, Edward T. Crawford, Homer Lee Crawford, Nial Elwood Crawford, Ralph William Crawford, Joseph Henry Crist, Guy Croft, Joseph Frederick Croyle, Thomas V. Cunningham Jr., Samuel Davids, James L. Davis, Robert D. Davis, Donald William DeArment, Roderic Bruce Deike, Clyde D. Deremer, Charles W. Detwiler, Harold E. Detwiler, Donald W. Dicken, Archie W. Diehl, Blaine E. Diehl, Elwood L. Diehl, Stanley R. Diehl, Robert F. Dimond, James E. Divelbiss, Donald F. Dively, Lester Dively, Stanley Junior Dodson, Robert S. Drake, Charles M. Drenning, William H. Dull, David L. Dunkle, Mary Lou DuWell, Roy Clair Earnest, Albert F. Eckard, Fred M. Eckley, Richard Echler, Charles R. Egolf, Thomas Paul Eicher, Richard W. Eichler, Carl Eugene Elliott, Donald Walter Elliott, Max Leroy Elliott, Charles E. Emerick, John Edward Emerick, David Harold Evans, Edward Warren Evans Jr., Vernon Lee Evans, Daniel W. Fasnacht, John Eugene Feather, Elvie W. Feathers, John D. Feathers, Roy H. Feathers, Frank W. Feight, Robert E. Feight, Guy E. Ferguson, Jack R. Fickes, William L. Figard, Howard Grant Fink, Edgar A. Finnegan, David S. Fisher, James C. Fisher, Ray Ellsworth Fisher, Roy Fisher Jr., James Joseph Fitzpatrick Sr., Floyd Eugene Fletcher, Richard Blair Fluke, James A. Folk, Joseph M. Folk, Glenn D. Foor, Roy R. Foore Jr., Frank E. Ford, Ralph E. Garland, Billy E. Garlick, Franklin D. Garlock, George E. Giffin, Willard J. Giffin, Glenn B. Gordon, Harry H. Gordon, Lewis E. Gordon, William D. Gordon, Charles Gracey, George E. Griffin, Alton F. Growden, Homer B. Greenawalt, William E. Greenawalt, James Griffith, Robert H. Hammer Jr., Charles William Hammond, Earl J. Hanks, Ray William Harbaugh, Richard L. Harbaugh, William A. Harbaugh, Donald R. Harden, Harry Harclerode, William Frankson Harklerode, Clarence O. Harr, Earl M. Harvey, Robert I. Hasting, James Albert Herline Sr., Fred L. Hess, Charles J. Hickey, Forrest Elwood Hillegass, Glenn Hillegass, James Francis Hillegass, Harold P. Hite, Owen C. Hickenberry, Richard L. Hoenstine, George E. Hoffman, Robert Hollingshead, Herman L. Hook, Eugene Murray Hooker, Robert Ned Hoover, Earl T. Howsare, H. Paul Hunt, Tom B. Hunt, John H. Ickes, Ned T, Ickes, Orville S. Ickes, Joseph E. Imgrund, Cletus Imler, Franklin Clair Imler, Glenn E. Imler, Joseph Arlen Imler, Kenneth E. Imler, Robert D. Imler Sr., William E. Imler, Thomas R. Johnson, John Frederick Jones, Thomas Paul Jones, Arden F. Karns, Harry C. Karns, James A. Karns Sr., Jerry F. Karns, Rodger J. Kearney, Charles Franklin Keister, Frederick Keister, Ronald Keister, Dale E. Kidd, Richard Orin Kimmel, Crist G. King, Joseph R. King, Robert Millard King, Thomas R. Kinsey, Harold Lee Klahre, Richard Charles Koontz, William G. Koontz, William R. Koontz, Robert Laird, Dale V. Lamborn, Warren C. Landis, Dale E. Layton, Harold D. Leach, Donald R. Leader, Louis R. Leonardi, Elmer L. Lepley, William Edward Lepley, Thomas C. Lewis, Carl E. Leydig, Walter F. Leydig, Paul E. Lindsey, Elmo W. Logsdon, Paul E. Logue, Brady Earl Lohr, Robert Mearl Long, John W. Lowery, Lester I. Lynn, Walter J. Manges, Robert N. Martin, Marling Randolph May, Stephen G. McCahan Jr., Oliver Lee McDaniel, Dean Aubrey McGhee, Richard Alexander McIntyre, Ralph Bryce Means, Melvin E. Mearkle, Lorenzo E. Meck, Alfred C. Miller, Carl J. Miller, Clyde W. Miller, Daniel J. Miller, Elmer F. Miller, James C. Miller, John C. Miller, Joseph W. Miller, Mahlon Miller, Ray A. Miller, Raymond E. Miller, Ronald C. Miller, Samuel D. Miller, Earl G. Minnick, Robert E. Minnick, Lewis H. Mitchell, Ronald Ira Mitchell, Albert O. Mock Jr., Dennis Zane Mock, Donald C. Mock, James J. Mock, Robert Mock, Thomas Moffat, Marion L. Morgret, Rex Duane Morgret, Samuel Harrison Morningstar, Doris Moriarity, Clyde Robert Morris, Russel E. Motter, Donald Bruce Motto, Alfred A. Mowry, Charles Louis Mueller, Donald E. Mullin, James P. Musser, John W. Nearhood, Robert Nicklis, Ronald Nicodemus, Clinton O'Neal, Bernard Reed Nee, Max H. Norris Sr., Ross M. Oldham, Clinton O'Neal, Ross O'Neal Sr., George Ralph Otto, Edna K. Park, Coy E. Pee, Donald P. Pepple, Fred W. Pepple, Robert Pepple, Earl I. Perrin, Robert F. Phillip, George Junior Pittman, Russell Pittman, Raymond Pomerenk, Henry C. Price, Kenneth Paul Price, Richard A. Ramsey, Virgil E. Ramsey, Dave Rankin, Herman William Sebert Rawlings, Lejay Reed, Robert Eugene Reed, William Philip Reed, Glenn W. Reininger, James R. Replogle, Kermit K. Rice, John Albert Riley, Donald F. Risbon, Glenn B. Ritchey, Eugene C. Ritchey, Harold Michael Ritchey, Jack E. Ritchey, William C. Ritchey, William R. Ritchey, Donald Paul Roarabaugh, Stanley B. Robertson, Donald E. Robinette, Scott Elwood Robinette Jr., Coy W. Robinson, Charles R. Rose, Charles Samuel Rose, Donald P. Rose, Martine E. Rosenberry, William Rouser, Eugene Harold Rouzer, Sheldon Stanley Rouzer, Grant Leo Ruby Sr., James R. Scritchfield, Jack Lawrence Seiffert, Thomas Ralph Seifert, Harry M. Sellers, Cecil D. Shaffer, Edward H. Shaffer Jr., Glen Reid Shaffer, Joseph H. Shaffer, Max E. Shaffer, Robert Shaffer, Ronald D. Shaffer, Bernard W. Shaw, Orville E. Shaw, Harld C. Sheirer, Stanford P. Sheirer, Kenneth E. Shimer Sr., Harold Max Shoemaker, Eugene W. Shuke, Raymond R. Sipes, William S. Sitman, Alfred E. Smith Jr., Alfred J. Smith, Benjamin F. Smith, Charles L. Smith, Denny J. Smith, Donald C. Smith, Donald O. Smith, Eugene R. Smith, Harry B. Smith, Harry E. Smith, James Noble Smith, Jessie M. Smith Jr., Ray W. Smith, Stanley K. Snavely, George Leonard Eugene Snyder, Kenneth R. Snyder, Gerald L. Spencer, Ralph J. Spencer Jr., Richard G. Sponsler, Robert D. Sponsler, Glenn R. Sprigg, John M. Stanley, Fred E. Steele, Florence Jean Stefan, Joseph Stein, John S. Stockenus, George D. Stultz, Roy J. Stump, Joseph Swartzwelder, William L. Swope, Howard Clinton Tenley, Martin M. Territo, Floyd B. Tew, Richard W. Tewell, Lee H. Thomas, Glenn A. Thompson, John Thomas Trail, James W. Twigg, Sr., Encil Paul Valentine, Fred E. Vida, Roy T. Way Jr., Tim Wakefield, John Donald Wakefoose, Fred E. Walter, Robert Glenn Walter, Robert Glenn Walter, Vernon Oscar Waltman, Howard Ware, George Way, Roy T. Way Jr., Alden R. Weaverling, Edgar C. Weicht, James W. Weicht, Robert D. Weicht, Glenn A. Wertz, Russel West, Denver Weyant, R. Dean Weyant, Richard Weyant, Donald E. Whisel, Walter R. Whisel, Eddie Williams, James E. Williams, Kenneth M. Williams, Thomas L. Williams, Willard E. Wolf, John H. Wolfe Jr., Robert B. Wolfe, William Henry Wolfe, Francis E. Wolfhope, John Edward Wolfhope, William F. Wolfhope, Curtis Boyd Young, Roy Webster Yutzy, Boise Zimmerman, and Kenneth E. Zimmerman.

  Korean War veterans who were not born in Bedford County, but came to reside here after the War included the following. George F. Alderdice III, William J. Allen Jr., William Clark Anderson, Clarence Aucoin, Stanley Baraniak, Charles Theodore Barnhart, John B. Barton, James E. Berland, Freddie Bisbing, Samuel J. Blackstone, Arthur C. Booher, Robert Joseph Boudreau, Bill E. Bowman, Thomas H. Boyle, Ross B. Brode, John H. Brown, Kenneth Brown, Raymond Brown, Blain J. Bryant, Ray G. Bryant, Richard E. Bugle Sr., Stevens Burr, Thomas P. Byers, Harry Dean Clark, Richard J. Clark, Eugene R. Clippinger, William Catanese, Joseph J. Costal, Leo J. Cotter, Edwin Lowell Davis, Alvin P. Doyle, Paul V. Dorner, Jack R. Edwards, Hugh David Ellington, Robert R. Ellis, Francis J. Evans, Richard H. Evans, John Ralph Everhart, Merlyn R. Feaster, Robert P. Foster, William R. Frazier, Gerald O. Gaus, Guy Carl Giornesto, Samuel Thomas Grassmyer, John W. Grimm, Dale M. Guyer, Benjamin F. Hall, Robert E. Halstead, Harry A. Hammel Jr., Clarence W. Hengst, Richard T. Henry, Robert W. Henry, Ellis E. Hicks, Robert A. Hiles, Charles F. Hoffman, John Hrivnak, Donald B. Hyde, Leroy K. Jackson, James C. Jones, John D. Jones, Samuel L. Keister, Charles E. Kendall, Kenneth Howard Kennedy, Donald Eugene Kerr, Richard Kerrick, Robert E. Ketner, Ralph C. Kifer, Leon W. Knisely, Richard E. Koontz, Robert Lee Kreigline, James M. Krieger, David C. Kuhns, Harry C. Landis, Richard Edward LaSalle, David R. Laughlin, James E. Lay Sr., Robert G. Leibfreid, Charles R. LeVan, Arthur V. Lynn, Edward Alvin Madden, James L. Mallow, James W. Mallow, Edgar Lynn Manges, Gaudio Dominic Marcocci, Gerald J. Marsh, Johnnie C. Matney Jr., Thomas S. Mauk, R. Dean McGee, Raymond D. Mentzer, Donald E. Meyers, John C. Miller, Shelby Miller, William Miller, Walter D. Mitchell, Donald E. Mock, Ralph S. Molovich, Francis X. Moriarty, Richard S. Myers, Thomas C. Nesbit, Marion Warren Nesselrodt, Bobby J. Newman, Kenneth Nonemaker, James William Pennel, David C. Philippi Sr., George D. Pierce, Theodore Glenn Porter, Harry L. Potts, Donald Richard Prischmann, Donald Eugene Ramper Sr., Paul R. Reed, William Andrew Reed, Ronald W. Remaley, Theodore Renk, Robert Louis Rhoades, Elwood Sanford Rhodes, Richard A. Richards, Rushton H. Ridgway II, Charles Ripple, Lawrence P. Risbon, Rayford Arthur Robel, Percy J. Rogers, James C. Roland, Arthur R. Romesburg, George E. Rowley Sr., Chalmer L. Sell, Truster U. Shade, Frank Delano Shaffer, G. Reid Shaffer, William S. Sitman, Carl J. Smith, Earl J. Smith. William R. Smith, Maynard Curtis Spade, Paul Otto Stone, Richard G. Strickland, Roy J. Stump, Clarence E. Swartz, John George Tirpak, Willard W. Thomas, Michael C. Tokarczyk, David Townsend, Donald M. Wagner, Norwood R. Wallace, Coates Walton Jr., james E. Wambaugh, Nolan P. Weimer, Fred E. Weimert, Ted M. Weimert, Robert L. Wilson, Raymond C. Wissinger, Donald E. Witt, Robert G. Yetter, John J. Yotko.

  The Korean War resulted in 36,574 combat deaths and 103,284 wounded. Of the casualties, 2,401 deaths were of Pennsylvania residents.

  The Bedford County men who lost their lives during the Korean War included: James R. Ault, James W. Banner, Abraham D. Barley, David Bishop, Donald Bishop, Lemuel R. Bowser, Joseph G. Boyer, Thomas W. Brennen Owen L. Claycomb, Ralph W. Crawford, Harold W. Dorsey, Vernon Lee Evans, George L. Gordon, Joseph R. King, Richard Alexander McIntyre, Earl Glen Minnick, Donald E. Myers, John W. Nearhood, George R. Otto, Gordon A. Roberts, Albert W. Schetrompf, William S. Sitman, Alfred Smith Jr., Benjamin F. Smith, Harry B. Smith, Howard Clinton Tenley, George Way, Elwood E. Weyant and James E. Williams. (Of this list, Donald Bishop and William S. Sitman's names were not included on the marble monument in Bedford Borough square.)

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